The King’s Banquet is a humorous, fun-filled evening with a smorgasbord of Royal entertainment. This is a never-to-be-forgotten medieval banquet with an endless array of hilarious interplay between your host characters. It is also an opportunity to incorporate your own company Awards into a completely unique and auspicious occasion.
On the night, the Jester warmly welcomes your guests and sets the scene for the festivities ahead. These characters are played by actors with solid experience in comedy and performing arts. During pre-dinner drinks, guests create centre pieces for the King’s table! This is a fun and interactive way to kick-off the night. It can be a voluntary or team-based activity. But beware! Decorations that are not up to scratch will incur the King’s wrath! When the time is right, guests take a seat at the King’s Banquet table, suitably decorated for a Royal occasion with candelabras and a knighting sword.
Top quality entertainment is intertwined through the evening. The highlights are humorous performances by the Jester and the King’s Knighting Ceremony. In this ceremony, the King will ‘knight’ some of your staff to acknowledge outstanding achievements and/or stupid mistakes! This can be a formal ceremony or simply good-natured fun.
The King’s Banquet is a night to behold. It will be a talked about in the hills and valleys for days to follow…
Location: Your choice of venue around New Zealand
Duration: Over the course of a meal
Participants: Minimum of 6 people. Suitable for large groups
Location: Your choice of venue in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton, Rotorua, Tauranga, Taupo, Palmerston North, Dunedin, Queenstown, Wanaka, New Plymouth or anywhere in New Zealand